more reports on the Peace Corps in Malaysia

50 Years of Enduring Friendship: 1962-2012 Peace Corps Malaysia (American Embassy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2013). A 43-page booklet of pictures and stories published to commemorate the 50th anniversary of arrival of the first batch of Peace Corps Volunteers).  There are two versions of this publication: one focused on Peninsular Malaysia, the other on East Malaysia

The Volunteer's Guide to Kelantan and Besut (circa 1976-77). An irreverent, but interesting account of all things Kelantan written by PCVs and many others (see Introduction). Mimeographed. Many thanks to Dave Zane, RPCV 1977-79 for preserving and scanning this document.

"Early history of the Peace Corps in North Borneo (Sabah)" by Thaine H. Allison, Jr., El Chan, and A. J. Grantham, Borneo Research Bulletin (43: 88-97, 2012). 

Education in Sabah: Overview for PCV Teachers in 1966. This 40-page anonymous mimeographed memo was probably part of a larger document (pp. 40-81) for in-country orientation of new PCV teachers in Sabah. Includes sections on the structure of the educational system, types of schools, examination system, PCVs in Sabah schools, job related problems, and commentaries by Volunteers on specific issues (including very insightful account of Sabah "Ingress" (the local pidgin) by PCV Carl Trocki).

Rural Development Handbook for Peace Corps Malaysia, compiled and edited by Mike Murphy (Malaysia IV PCV), April 15, 1965. An overview of resources for PCVs engaged in Agriculture and Community Development (194pp). Includes a wide range of ideas, projects, and detailed contact information drawn from the experiences of PCVs, including organizational charts of government agencies, recommended readings, and addresses of companies and organizations that could be useful for PCVs. It recommends that Rural Developemnt PCVs rely on one another, but gives relatively few examples of prior exchanges and projects.   

"Peace Corps Malaysia: A Review," a document prepared for Malaysia XIV Training that provides an excellent overview of the incredible growth of PCVs (179 in 1962 to 1,014 PCVs in 1965), and contributions to Malaysian manpower needs.  For example, the small focus on rural community development in Peninsular Malaysia evolved from 3 PCVs in Kedah in Group 6; 8 in Group 9, and to 20 in Group 15.

Readings for Asia/America Program for Malaysia XIV Project. This is a 300-page mimeographed book of reference readings for PC trainees. In spite of its lack of organization and a proper table of contents, it contains some gems, including the preceding item 

"With the Peace Corps in Malaysia" by Jay R. Carow (PCV Malaya 3, 1962-64) Journal of Architectural Education (20,2:15-18 1965)

"Mathematical Education in Malaysia" by Frank Swetz (PCV Malaya 7, 1964-66) The Mathematics Teacher (62,5:410-417, May 1969)

"A PERSONAL NARRATIVE: THE PEACE CORPS' FIRST TWO YEARS IN SARAWAK, 1962-1964." by De Danaan, LLyn, and aka Lynn Patterson (PCV North Borneo/ Sarawak 1, 1962-64). Borneo Research Bulletin (48:168-184, 2017).

"The Peace Corps in Malaysian Borneo" by A Baer. Borneo Research Bulletin (43:86-87, 2012).

"People to People: The Peace Corps in Sarawak" by A.S. Baer, Oregon State University.

 “Peace Corps Amerika Syarikat: Satu Pengalaman Dalam Pembangunan Pendidikan Di Sabah, 1961-1983” by Bilcher Bala. Jurnal Sejarah (University of Malaya) (17: 84-131, November 2009).

Diplomasi Peace Corps: Bantuan Sukarelawan Amerika Syarikat di Malaysia, 1961-1983” by Bilcher Bala.  Jurnal Borneo Arkhailogia (Heritage, Archaeology and History) (2(1), Edisi Khas: 65-97 Jun 2018). Many thanks to Professor Bilcher Bala for this English translation "Volunteer Diplomacy: United States Peace Corps for Malaysia, 1962-1983

"From Sarawak to the World: Sixty Years of Overseas Volunteering in the Borneo States" by David Phillips 

Borneo Research Bulletin 48 (2017) p. 126-152. 

"The Fork Once Taken: From the British Crown Colony of North Borneo to the Federated State of Sabah, East Malaysia" by Charles Parton (Publish America, Baltimore, 2000). Sections are available on Google Books). This memoir by the first Peace Corps associate director (1963-65) in North Borneo (Sabah) captures the spirit and excitement of the early days of Peace Corps.

"The Representative Staff as Intercultural Mediators in Malaya" by Gerald S. Maryanov in Robert B. Textor, ed. Cultural Frontiers of the Peace Corps (1966, MIT Press). The first Peace Corps associate representative in Kuala Lumpur in 1961-62 recounts the debates over the role and placement of PCVs in Malaya I and II.

Paul Means. "Adult Education and Community Develpment in Sabah and Sarawak". Peace Corps Training Center, Hilo, November 1965