Malaysia RPCV Directory
The current version of the Malaysia RPCV Directory (updated on 1/7/2025) includes the name, years of service, training group number, whether deceased, and date of death for approximately 3,350 PCVs who served in Malaysia from 1961 to 1983. Names are listed alphabetically within training groups for each "start year" (the year in which Peace Corps training began) from 1961 to 1968. Training group was only identified for about half of PCVs. The PCVs whose training group number is unknown are listed alphabetically for each start year after those with a known training group number. Here is a 6-page memo (updated 5.2.2024) that explains the origins of the FoM project to create a RPCV Directory and why it is still a work in progress. The primary list of Malaysia PCVs is based on Peace Corps administrative records that were probably compiled from many training sites and field offices in the 1960s and 1970s. Comparing the names and dates of service from this administrative list with other sources (e.g. training group picture books), we discovered omissions, duplicates, and incorrect years of service. We have been able to correct many errors, but there are certainly many more that remain.
In addition to the Peace Corps list, we have used additional sources, including Friends of Malaysia and National Peace Corps Assocation membership records, NPCA Directories (published in1992, 2006, and 2016), Peace Corps Online, and Training Group picture books. Because these sources are incomplete and imperfect, the Directory is too. The Directory will be updated from time to time (please send corrections to Contact information is not included on the online version of the Directory but will be shared with Malaysia RPCVs for noncommercial purposes (e.g. RPCV reunions).Â